Examinando por Materia "Cobertura forward"
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Ítem Cobertura con derivados forward para mitigar el riesgo cambiario en la importación de telas : un estudio en el sector textil colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Díez Rendón, Camilo; Cardona Llano, Juan FelipeThis study assessed the impact of using forward delivery contracts as a hedging strategy to mitigate exchange rate risk in the textile imports of Mattelsa SAS, a company based in Medellín (Colombia). Through a backtesting analysis based on the company’s financial data from 2022 to 2024, the implementation of forward hedging was simulated, comparing the potential results of covering imports against not going so. Representative exchange rates (TRM) and local and foreign interest rates were used to estimate the potential cost or benefit of the forward hedging strategy. The results indicate that in years of high currency volatility such as 2022, the forward hedging could have significantly reduced the company´s exchange rate losses, improving financial outcomes. However, during periods of currency appreciation, such as in 2023, the forward contacts might have resulted in additional cost instead of proving protection. Despite these mixed results, forward delivery contracts remain a suitable alternative for importing companies as they allow for the locking in of exchange rates, offering financial stability in scenarios of devaluation. The study concludes that a flexible hedging strategy, adapted to shifting market conditions, is essential to maximize the benefits and minimize risks, making forward delivery a valuable tool in exchange rate risk for Mattelsa SAS.