Examinando por Materia "Clusters"
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Ítem Análisis del proceso de creación y consolidación del clúster textil/confección, diseño y moda en el departamento de Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Trujillo Gómez, Carlos Felipe; Cardona Montoya, Raúl ArmandoÍtem La construcción social de la competitividad en el marco de la globalización(Universidad EAFIT, 15/12/1999) Cardona A., Marleny; Universidad EAFITÍtem Direccionamiento estratégico para la transición de un grupo de pequeñas y medianas empresas que constituyen la cadena del cuero y el calzado a nivel regional hacia un cluster con vocación exportadora(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Ramírez Giraldo, Eliana Cecilia; Zapata Sánchez, YudiraÍtem Estrategia diferenciadora para el posicionamiento del Norte del Departamento de Valle del Cauca como una región productora de cafés especiales(2018-05-19) Acevedo Betancur, Wilmer Andrés; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz AmparoThe development of a differentiating strategy for the positioning of the northern region of Colombia’s department of Valle del Cauca as a producer of special coffees is based on the observed need to motivate production there, since this product is an important part of the means of subsistence of about 7000 families, even more so when the coffee sector marks the GDP of the agricultural sector of the country, but nevertheless presents great challenges when it comes to generating sufficient resources to provide for these families decent living conditions -- The following is a descriptive study that includes a qualitative analysis of the information collected both from written sources and from semi-structured interviews with seven experts from different areas of the coffee production and marketing chain -- From this study, some of the conclusions show the need to create inter-institutional alliances that allow access to financial services for producers, and contribute to improving the investment made for rural producers, so that the investment does not atomize, not only in its own terms, but in the strengthening of the capacities of producers through the improvement of the educational offerÍtem Estructuración de un fondo de inversiones para el Clúster CreaTIC de la ciudad de Popayán(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Caldón Quirá, Norman Oswaldo; Erazo Gómez, Ximena Amparo; Trespalacios Carrasquilla, AlfredoIt is intended to structure an investment fund for the Clúster CreaTIC and the valuation of some affiliated companies, in order to guarantee the Corporation's self sustainability -- The concept and the existing regulation on Investment Funds, the advantages and disadvantages for both the investor and those who have the need to participate will be explained -- Some valuation methods will be addressed, but emphasis will be placed on the discounted cash flow method, which will be used to value the companies under study -- This way you will be able to face one of the stargazing problems that startups have, which is financing -- The Clúster CreaTIC was born with the purpose of supporting and promoting entrepreneurship for companies that develop digital content and articulates with one of the Colombian State policies; related to the promotion and development of Information and Communication TechnologiesÍtem Guía para el alineamiento entre la estrategia del negocio con las TIC para la mejora de la competitividad de los clusters productivos colombianos(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Ospina Montoya, Juan Camilo; García Arcila, Gustavo Adolpho; Rincón Bermúdez, Rafael DavidÍtem Inducible Antibacterial Activity in the Bacillales by Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride(Nature Publishing Group, 2020-01-01) Sierra-Zapata L.; Álvarez J.C.; Romero-Tabarez M.; Silby M.W.; Traxler M.F.; Behie S.W.; Pessotti R.C.; Villegas-Escobar V.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Biodiversidad, Evolución y ConservaciónThe world is in the midst of an antimicrobial resistance crisis, driving a need to discover novel antibiotic substances. Using chemical cues as inducers to unveil a microorganism’s full metabolic potential is considered a successful strategy. To this end, we investigated an inducible antagonistic behavior in multiple isolates of the order Bacillales, where large inhibition zones were produced against Ralstonia solanacearum only when grown in the presence of the indicator triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC). This bioactivity was produced in a TTC-dose dependent manner. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. isolates were also inhibited by Bacillus sp. strains in TTC presence, to a lesser extent. Knockout mutants and transcriptomic analysis of B. subtilis NCIB 3610 cells revealed that genes from the L-histidine biosynthetic pathway, the purine, pyrimidine de novo synthesis and salvage and interconversion routes, were significantly upregulated. Chemical space studied through metabolomic analysis, showed increased presence of nitrogenous compounds in extracts from induced bacteria. The metabolites orotic acid and L-phenylalaninamide were tested against R. solanacearum, E. coli, Staphylococcus sp. and B. subtilis, and exhibited activity against pathogens only in the presence of TTC, suggesting a biotransformation of nitrogenous compounds in Bacillus sp. cells as the plausible cause of the inducible antagonistic behavior. © 2020, The Author(s).Ítem Innovation and Growth: A Survey of the Literature and a Case Study for Latin America(Universidad EAFIT, 02/04/2007) García Callejas, Danny; Universidad de Antioquia