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Ítem Evaluación de marcadores moleculares de cloroplasto y nucleares, para su uso en identificación molecular de germoplasmas de orquídeas(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Londoño Lopera, Pablo Andrés; Villanueva Mejía, Diego FernandoOrchids are the most diverse and evolved group of flowering plants in the world; presenting specificity for pollination, water intake and associations with specific fungi to satisfy their nutritional needs. They are plants of great importance for the ecosystems they inhabit, since they contribute directly to its water regulation. In addition, they provide shelter and food for various organisms such as insects, birds, and mammals. Likewise, orchids are commercially important as ornamental and medicinal plants, as cut flower for export and for the extraction of essences such as vanilla. That is why when propagating and distributing them it is necessary to have them fully identified in order to adequately preserve the characteristics of the germplasms. Since it has been shown that the phenotypic characteristics are insufficient for the identification of these plants, this study was developed in order to evaluate the use of chloroplast molecular markers (MAT-K, YCF-1 and TRNL-TRNF) and nuclear (ITS) for the identification of different genera of orchids, in the seedling stage. In this research, PCR protocols were standardized for the molecular markers presented, in order to develop replicable techniques for the molecular identification of orchids. Identification at the genera level of the analyzed germplasms was carried out using the molecular marker TRNL-TRNF. In this way, scientific and technological knowledge is generated that helps the sustainable and responsible use of orchids at the national level.