Examinando por Materia "CRECIMIENTO DEL EMPLEO"
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Ítem Análisis del mercado laboral del municipio de Caldas, período junio - agosto de 2011(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Burgos Jaramillo, Carlos Mario; Arias Vargas, Francisco JavierEl siguiente trabajo es resultado del proyecto de investigación “Caracterización de la oferta laboral en el municipio de Caldas” realizado con el apoyo de la Corporación universitaria Lasallista, y por medio del cual se recopilaron datos, a partir de una encuesta realizada a hogares durante el periodo Junio a Agosto de 2011, con el fin de conocer y analizar algunas características del mercado laboral, tomando como referente un estudio similar realizado en el municipio de Rionegro (Mesa, López & González, 2009) -- Se obtuvo información socioeconómica útil que se plasmó en un documento, que puede servir de fuente de consulta para la generación de propuestas, tendientes a aliviar la compleja situación de empleo en la población; por parte del sector público, instituciones académicas y el sector privado -- El instrumento de recolección de datos fue adaptado con el propósito de centrar el trabajo en las características de la oferta laboral del municipio de Caldas; para lo cual se realizó un diseño muestral que arrojó como resultado la necesidad de aplicar 1.050 formularios a hogares de distintos barrios y veredas; los cuales fueron tabulados, posteriormente se generaron gráficas y tablas que sirvieron de soporte para el análisis de la información, dicho material se realizó con el fin de hacer la descripción del estado actual del empleo o del desempleo en las familias del municipio -- En el análisis de la realidad laboral de la comunidad de Caldas se encontraron problemas, que pueden ser un reflejo de lo que ocurre en el contexto nacional, como altos índices de desempleo, situaciones de subempleo e informalidad, bajos niveles de escolaridad y precariedad del ingresoÍtem Impacto de las cajas de compensación familiar como agencias de intermediación laboral sobre los mecanismos de búsqueda de empleo en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Forero Delgadillo, Paula Andrea; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloÍtem Labor market flows of young workers in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mancera Atuesta, Jorge Nicolás; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloÍtem La línea de certificación de competencias laborales financiada por Fondoempleo : estudio de caso a partir del proyecto "certificación de competencias laborales en la provincia de Coronel Portillo región Ucayali"(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Vera Visagel, Cynthia Melina; Rodríguez Quispe, Noedith; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueThe present study wants to answer the research question Why the project "Certification of labor competences in the province of Coronel Portillo, Ucayali region" has not managed to improve the employability conditions of the beneficiaries certified in the occupational profile of industrial carpenter? For this, a case study has been developed with a mixed methodology, the main finding of which is that the CCL has not substantially improved the employability of the beneficiaries, given that there is evidence of a limited alignment of the project with labor demand and a poor conceptualization of the benefits of the CCL. In order to make improvements in future interventions, a modification of the project lines based on the competencies approach is proposed, this implies including the CCL as a component of the projects, together with the components of job training or productive entrepreneurship, an intervention will be generated that substantially improves the employability of workers in the different regions where FONDOEMPLEO intervenes.Ítem ¿Qué explica la muy alta satisfacción de empleadores colombianos frente al desempeño de migrantes de origen venezolano contratados como personal de base? Una aproximación empírica(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Rangel Estrada, Juan Pablo; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloSince the massive arrival of Venezuelan immigrants to Colombia, there has been major efforts to quantify the effect of this migratory flow on the local labor markets, where differentiated effects are evident concerning low-skilled occupations. However, the question of the elements that influence the decision of hire low-skilled migrants in formal labor markets, or the levels of satisfaction reported by their employers, is still unexplored. This paperwork takes data from the survey Entendiendo la Mirada Empresarial Frente al Fenómeno Migratorio (2021) to identify through an econometric model the variables that affect the very high levels of satisfaction of companies compared to the performance of hired Venezuelan migrants. Significant correlations between the very high satisfaction of contracted Venezuelan migrants and the city where the companies are domiciled were found, with special mention of negative correlations in Bucaramanga and Barranquilla; and a positive relationship with companies related to activities related to research, pedagogy, services, and academics. There is a connection between the very high satisfaction of employers towards contracted Venezuelan migrants and the perception that employers have regarding the trust that their workplace teams feel towards the Venezuelan migrant population, in which the controls of city company activity lose relevance.Ítem Salarios mínimos diferenciales en Colombia: una estrategia para mejorar los indicadores laborales o perjudicar a los hogares más pobres(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Ospina Agudelo, Gustavo AndrésAccording to the International Monetary Fund (FMI, 2015) the minimum wage in Colombia is one of the most elevated of the region -- This entity beside constants pronunciamientos of some members of the Republic Bank of Colombia has proposed to diminish the minimum remuneration with the objective of improving the competitiveness of the country, by means of the decrease of labour costs that generate a greater foreign investment -- While other actors such as Esteban Piedrahita, exdirector of DNP, has proposed political of minimum wages differentials by regions (Cortés, 2010) -- This paper studies the possible impact of the minimum wages differentials in the employment in the cities of Colombia -- It is therefore necessary establish that the minimum wage plays a fundamental role in the employment for cities that do not have economies been used to like Bogota, Medellín, Cali or Barranquilla, which concentrate 75% of the labour strength and more than 62% of the economy of the country, according to figures of the National Department of Statistics (DANE) -- In the development of the work, initially realises a comparative of the methodologies and economic indicators of the countries that implement minimum wages differentials already was by region, sector or occupation -- Afterwards they took the 13 main cities of Colombia to analyse some indicators of productivity and divide them between productive regions and no productive -- Once determined these categories in the chapter three realises a model of demand of heterogeneous workers of two productive departments and no productive, selecting the territorial entities of Antioquia and Risaralda, finding that the minimum wage diminishes the demand of work in the productive region, but increases it in the zones of low economic activity -- This analysis complements with a model of regression incondicionado that establishes the impact of the minimum wage in the income of the home for the distinguished regions, where exists one differentiates substance between the zones and the poorest homes -- Finally, they conclude the profits and damages that could bring this type of political salarialÍtem Significados de experiencias espirituales en el contexto organizacional y del trabajo de un grupo de empleados de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Monsalve Ospina, Hernán Felipe; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny Javier