Examinando por Materia "Biocentrismo"
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Ítem El derecho de Protección animal y su relación con el comercio internacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Mesa Escobar, Cristina; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem Responsabilidad social ambiental: una aproximación conceptual desde el derecho colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Rendón Henao, Andrés; Medina Uribe, Juan Felipe; Vásquez Vera, Juan EstebanThe Scientific Revolution, together with the anthropocentrism characteristic of the Modern Age, allowed the emergence of an economic model that has generated great negative impacts on the environment by not considering it as a value in the moral structures of modern societies -- At the end of the 20th century, concern for the environment has increased along with the problems associated with climate change, pollution of the environment, health problems, and other effects produced by an excessive interaction of man in nature -- This has allowed the evolution of an environmental conscience that has included the environment as a moral value product of the ethical-philosophical ecocentrist perspective that characterizes postmodern societies -- Therefore, the present project intends to carry out a conceptual approach of the Environmental Social Responsibility (RSA), which arises from the ideological transformations that have provoked the rethinking of the role of society in relation to the care of the environment -- To fulfill this objective, a research study was carried out on all the jurisprudential, normative and international development on this concept; arriving at the conclusion that there is no clear concept in Colombia about it, since it has been understood as a subsidiary element of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -- Therefore, the main objective of this project will be to supply the RSA with legal elements extracted from Environmental Law in order to unify a concept that allows showing when an agent is implementing Environmental Social Responsibility actions