Examinando por Materia "Big data; CNC machining; Cyber-physical systems (CPS); DAQ; EAFIT; Industry 4.0; Sensors"
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Ítem Monitoring of machining in the cloud as a cost management service and follow of cutting parameters: Environment developed with IoT tools(IGI Global, 2019-01-01) Giraldo-Castrillon F.-A.; Páramo-Bermúdez G.-J.; Muñoz-Betancur J.-M.; Giraldo-Castrillon F.-A.; Páramo-Bermúdez G.-J.; Muñoz-Betancur J.-M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Grupo en Tecnologías para la ProducciónThe present work developed an environment in the cloud with IoT tools for the intelligent monitoring of cutting processes in a three-axis CNC machine. To achieve it, a group of sensors incorporated into the machine are connected to a data acquisition card in charge of sending the measurements delivered by the sensors to the IoT environment in the cloud. The data received was processed in real-time, and at the end of the machining, an automatic report was generated that includes: the cost of the operation, total process time, average energy consumption in watts, and positions of the X, Y, Z axes in function of time. The findings of this study bypass production managers from developing a processes sheet, reducing fabrication time, and increasing productivity. The architecture of the system was put to the test raising two case studies, which demonstrate the relevance and the significant impact of the platform in the new era of digital manufacturing. © 2019, IGI Global.