Examinando por Materia "Balada mexicana"
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Ítem Sugerencias interpretativas de la balada mexicana de Manuel M. Ponce : una mirada desde el nacionalismo mexicano como intertextualidad musical(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Pulido Cartagena, Simón; Manco, Juan DavidThe aim of this article is to account for a series of interpretative suggestions on the Mexican Ballad of Manuel M. Ponce, based on the identification of intertextual and referential elements related to the context of Musical Nationalism. The identification of these elements revolves mainly around traditional songs related to the composer's environment and the paragon between the metrics used in the work and some popular Mexican rhythms and genres. This article seeks not only to host an interpretive proposal on a specific work, but also to promote and motivate approaches to Latin American music that feed on historical sources and that result in a musical product that testifies to the closeness and understanding of our repertoire This through some reflections on the role of the interpreter and the place that Latin American music occupies in our habitual repertoires.