Examinando por Materia "Alfabetización digital"
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Ítem Aumentar el uso de la herramienta en línea Webpath Express como instrumento hábil para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la comunidad educativa en un colegio de la Estrella (Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Osorio Rico , Ricardo Andrés; Arboleda Cano , Diana Marcela; Echeverri Álvarez, Jonathan; Mazo Barrientos, Juan DanielThis work presents a behavioral intervention carried out in an educational institution in the municipality of La Estrella (Antioquia), where the Behavior Change Wheel model was used (Michie et al 2011). The behavioral problem to be intervened was the underuse of the WebPath Express online tool of the library's bibliographic software by students and teachers. In the conceptual framework, three key variables were defined to mobilize the intention to change, supported by theoretical and empirical references, which were: Digital literacy, perceived usefulness and collaboration and institutional leadership. These three variables, according to the research found (Becerra 2016, Domínguez & Echeverría 2011, Vergara & Lloreda 2020, Valerio 2011, Lomos et al 2023, Ormaza & Fajardo 2023), presented evidence of their effectiveness in mobilizing the use of ICTs in the teaching exercise. The entire process is presented with these major sections: Introduction, Conceptual Framework, Diagnosis, Intervention Design, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.Ítem Desafíos percibidos por el nivel operativo de una pyme colombiana del sector agro sobre los retos que impone la transformación digital en un contexto de aceleración de la Revolución 4.0(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Restrepo Mejía, Melissa; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny Javier