Examinando por Materia "Alfabetización"
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Ítem Adultos mayores : hacia una población empoderada para protegerse frente a ciberdelitos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vera Sepúlveda, Silvia; Monsalve Palacio, María Andrea; Romero Restrepo, Tamara; Peláez Jaramillo, Sergio; Cardenas Niño, LucilaÍtem La multimodalidad y la multialfabetización : ámbitos de investigación emergentes en los estudios del discurso(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Avilés Romero, Lorena; López Franco, Sonia InésThis paper focuses on carrying out a bibliographical review that can be updated and expanded, given that the foundations and developments of the field of multimodal studies are dynamic. The method used is based on the location of the theoretical categories and frames that give relevance to this field for the understanding of discursive phenomena. This procedure gives way to a series of considerations on the renovating role of the multimodal perspective in the contemporary conception of reading and writing and its connection with the practices dedicated to literacy, understood in a broad sense. Finally, this article suggests questions for future research processes around multimodality that respond to cultural and technological realities in order to shape actions in the educational field.