Examinando por Materia "AUSENTISMO LABORAL"
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Ítem La administración y los problemas de salud organizacional: la metáfora de la salud(Universidad EAFIT, 2007) Montoya Bedoya, Brocardo de J.En la era de la organización ha comenzado a aparecer con frecuencia en textos y en revistas especializadas el tema de la salud organizacional -- Con el propósito de evaluar la posibilidad de tener un modelo para la gestión de la salud de las empresas, se emprendió este estudio exploratorio -- Inicialmente debía confirmarse la ocurrencia de enfermedades o de accidentes empresariales -- Para facilitar el hallazgo de las evidencias se aplicó como modelo de comparación el modelo de salud ocupacional, aplicable a los trabajadores en su entorno laboral, es decir, la metáfora de la salud constituyó la expresión de comparación -- Se realizaron búsquedas y se recopilaron conceptos de diversas fuentes -- Los hallazgos fueron muy satisfactorios -- Además de la respuesta afirmativa a la pregunta de si las empresas, alegóricamente, pueden enfermarse o accidentarse, y la obtención de ejemplos sobre enfermedades y accidentes, muchos expertos en administración conciben a las empresas similares a los organismos vivos e incluso, para algunos, son organismos vivientes -- La gestión de la accidentalidad y de la enfermedad laboral se realiza mediante acciones de salud ocupacional, una rama de la salud pública orientada a conservar, mantener y mejorar la salud de los trabajadores en su ambiente laboral -- El modelo para la gestión de la Salud Ocupacional parte de los lineamientos de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, OIT, y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, OMS -- Para establecer las bases de un modelo de gestión de la salud organizacional se ha tomado como base el modelo de salud ocupacional -- A partir de este se proponen definiciones, adaptaciones de algunas ramas o disciplinas de las ciencias sociales y otro conjunto de elementos y se obtiene una propuesta -- Queda mucho camino por recorrer -- Se llega acá al planteamiento de las bases para el modelo buscado y se entregan reflexiones, unas pocas conclusiones y muchas perspectivas por emprender, investigar y desarrollarÍtem Análisis y predicción de la deserción de empleados : un caso de estudio en la industria de software colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Sierra Buriticá, Eliana Marcela; Almonacid Hurtado, Paula MaríaThe objective of this study is to carry out the analysis and prediction of the desertion of employees of a software company in Medellín, based on a private database that contains 19 characteristics of 1497 workers, where 900 are active in the company and the rest have left their job. In the first place, a descriptive and exploratory analysis was carried out, where it was found that there was some variables that did not contribute information to the model, such as: Type of identification, start date of the contract, among others, also in this part the correlation of some variables and proceeded to eliminate them from the set of descriptive characteristics of the problem, since that leaving them would be leaving redundant information in the model. Second, they trained 4 machine learning models (Niave Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression) and the results obtained by each were compared, in order to find the one that best fits the problem of labor desertion, in this step it was found that the best classifier of machine learning is a decision tree (Decision Tree) with 14 layers, since metrics such as its curve of learning and ROC curve gave better results than the other two trained models.Ítem Ausentismo laboral del área operativa de una empresa bananera del Urabá antioqueño: Factores causales y características sociodemográficas del personal ausente durante el periodo 2015 -2017(2018) Cardona Barrientos, Juan Camilo; Vásquez Ochoa, Andrés MiguelÍtem Causas generadoras de ausentismo laboral en una IPS ambulatoria de segundo nivel de complejidad de la ciudad de Bogotá(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Ardila Núñez, Carolina; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierObjective -- Identify causes that generate absenteeism in an ambulatory IPS of the second level of complexity in the city of Bogotá -- Method -- Descriptive, cross-sectional, qualitative study in the manner of a case study based on in-depth interviews with ten workers in the care and administrative area of an ambulatory IPS of the second level of complexity in the city of Bogotá -- Results -- Labor absenteeism is influenced by both internal and external factors of the organizations such as the general illness, either of the employee or of one of their children, the high stress to which the employee is subjected, due to the high work load or the bad treatment by users who are waiting or who demand a procedure to improve their health status -- Some factors mask personal situations with justifications of a medical nature -- Conclusions -- The main cause of occupational absenteeism was the general illness of workers in the health care sector of the second level IPS, who, in addition, manifested a high degree of stress and work overload, as a result of the treatment of health system users, to which one adds that in their majority they play the role of mother head of household, which generates an additional burden to the duties of the labor contractÍtem Definición de los costos ocultos del ausentismo laboral en “San Isidro Distribuciones S.A.S” y aplicación de la metodología de Heinrich(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ramos Barrios, Lizy Margarita; Sandoval Angulo, Luis Yamid; Uribe Marín, RricardoThroughout history in organizations of our country, absenteeism has been defined, analyzed and described through various factors determined based on indicators; however, the estimate of hidden costs, such as how much it costs to the organization to replace the absent worker, or the economic value of assuming those hours/days of absenteeism, estimating the value of the knowledge of the absent worker, the time cost of occupational health and safety professionals who carried out their activities, but were not effective in all workers, the cost - benefit of the absent worker versus a new worker; It has been an organizational challenge for the human management department. This is why companies, when analyzing the cost of absenteeism, regularly define an estimated value that includes hidden costs; however, it would be of great value for organizations to define a tool that allows valuing the hidden costs of work absenteeism, but at the same time leaving some literature on what are those hidden costs that were identified with the development of this research, additionally the validation was carried out of the Heinrich Methodology, through the application of the proposed formula, facilitating in some way to replicate the results of this research in other organizations, different from San Isidro distributions and thus, strengthening the inventory of hidden costs which will be fed with new discoveries in future studies.Ítem Does illicit drug use affect labor market outcomes? Evidence from a developing country(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Calle Echeverri, Carolina; Suárez Obando., Gabriel Jaime; Posso Suárez, Christian ManuelIllicit drug use is often related to several problems for individuals who participate on the labor market due to decreasing productivity, absenteeism, increasing crime and health consequences -- This study analyzes the relationship between substance use and labor market outcomes using econometric methods to address the potential endogeneity problem -- We use a large data set for Medellin, Colombia, to find the causal effect of drug use on labor supply and labor force participation -- According to most existing research, we found that drug use affects negatively the probability of being employed and the probability of participate in the labor forceÍtem Modelo de predicción de ausentismo laboral por incapacidad médica en una institución financiera colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Guerrero Guerra, Laura Margarita; Moreno Reyes, Nicolás Alberto; Molina Muñoz, Juan Daniel