Examinando por Autor "Trefftz, Helmuth"
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Ítem 3D Collaborative Virtual Environment for Real-Time GUI Sketching(2011-07-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Asignación Dinámica de Servidores en Ambientes Virtuales, usando "Octrees" para la Partición Dinámica del Espacio(2009-09-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) Implementing Hybrid Client-Server Architecture: Factors Affecting Collaborative Performance(MIT PRESS, 2015-01-01) Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosCurrently, surgical skills teaching in medical schools and hospitals is changing, requiring the development of new tools to focus on (i) the importance of the mentor's role, (ii) teamwork skills training, and (iii) remote training support. Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) allow collaborative training of surgical procedures where remotely located users with different surgical roles can take part in the training session. To provide successful training involving good collaborative performance, CNVSS should guarantee synchronicity in time of the surgical scene viewed by each user and a quick response time which are affected by factors such as users' machine capabilities and network conditions. To the best of our knowledge, the impact of these factors on the performance of CNVSS implementing hybrid client-server architecture has not been evaluated. In this paper the development of a CNVSS implementing a hybrid client-server architecture and two statistical designs of experiments (DOE) is described by using (i) a fractional factorial DOE and (ii) a central composite DOE, to determine the most influential factors and how these factors affect the collaboration in a CNVSS. From the results obtained, it was concluded that packet loss, bandwidth, and delay have a larger effect on the consistency of the shared virtual environment, whereas bandwidth, server machine capabilities, and delay and interaction between factors bandwidth and packet loss have a larger effect on the time difference and number of errors of the collaborative task.Ítem Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) Implementing Hybrid Client-Server Architecture: Factors Affecting Collaborative Performance(MIT PRESS, 2015-01-01) Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoCurrently, surgical skills teaching in medical schools and hospitals is changing, requiring the development of new tools to focus on (i) the importance of the mentor's role, (ii) teamwork skills training, and (iii) remote training support. Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) allow collaborative training of surgical procedures where remotely located users with different surgical roles can take part in the training session. To provide successful training involving good collaborative performance, CNVSS should guarantee synchronicity in time of the surgical scene viewed by each user and a quick response time which are affected by factors such as users' machine capabilities and network conditions. To the best of our knowledge, the impact of these factors on the performance of CNVSS implementing hybrid client-server architecture has not been evaluated. In this paper the development of a CNVSS implementing a hybrid client-server architecture and two statistical designs of experiments (DOE) is described by using (i) a fractional factorial DOE and (ii) a central composite DOE, to determine the most influential factors and how these factors affect the collaboration in a CNVSS. From the results obtained, it was concluded that packet loss, bandwidth, and delay have a larger effect on the consistency of the shared virtual environment, whereas bandwidth, server machine capabilities, and delay and interaction between factors bandwidth and packet loss have a larger effect on the time difference and number of errors of the collaborative task.Ítem Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) Implementing Hybrid Client-Server Architecture: Factors Affecting Collaborative Performance(MIT PRESS, 2015-01-01) Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesCurrently, surgical skills teaching in medical schools and hospitals is changing, requiring the development of new tools to focus on (i) the importance of the mentor's role, (ii) teamwork skills training, and (iii) remote training support. Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) allow collaborative training of surgical procedures where remotely located users with different surgical roles can take part in the training session. To provide successful training involving good collaborative performance, CNVSS should guarantee synchronicity in time of the surgical scene viewed by each user and a quick response time which are affected by factors such as users' machine capabilities and network conditions. To the best of our knowledge, the impact of these factors on the performance of CNVSS implementing hybrid client-server architecture has not been evaluated. In this paper the development of a CNVSS implementing a hybrid client-server architecture and two statistical designs of experiments (DOE) is described by using (i) a fractional factorial DOE and (ii) a central composite DOE, to determine the most influential factors and how these factors affect the collaboration in a CNVSS. From the results obtained, it was concluded that packet loss, bandwidth, and delay have a larger effect on the consistency of the shared virtual environment, whereas bandwidth, server machine capabilities, and delay and interaction between factors bandwidth and packet loss have a larger effect on the time difference and number of errors of the collaborative task.Ítem Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS): Factors Affecting Collaborative Performance(MIT PRESS, 2013-01-01) Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesStand-alone and networked surgical simulators based on virtual reality have been proposed as a means to train surgeons in specific surgical skills with or without expert guidance and supervision. However, a surgical operation usually involves a group of medical practitioners who cooperate as team members. To this end, CNVSS have been proposed for the collaborative training of surgical procedures in which users with different surgical roles can take part in the training session. To be successful, these simulators should guarantee synchronicity, which requires (1) consistent viewing of the surgical scene and (2) a quick response time. These two variables are affected by factors such as users' machine capabilities and network conditions. As far as we know, the impact of these factors on the performance of CNVSS has not been evaluated. In this paper, we describe the development of CNVSS and a statistical factorial design of experiments (DOE) to determine the most important factors affecting collaboration in CNVSS. From the results obtained, it was concluded that delay, jitter, packet loss percentage, and processor speed have a major impact on collaboration in CNVSS.Ítem Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS): Factors Affecting Collaborative Performance(MIT PRESS, 2013-01-01) Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoStand-alone and networked surgical simulators based on virtual reality have been proposed as a means to train surgeons in specific surgical skills with or without expert guidance and supervision. However, a surgical operation usually involves a group of medical practitioners who cooperate as team members. To this end, CNVSS have been proposed for the collaborative training of surgical procedures in which users with different surgical roles can take part in the training session. To be successful, these simulators should guarantee synchronicity, which requires (1) consistent viewing of the surgical scene and (2) a quick response time. These two variables are affected by factors such as users' machine capabilities and network conditions. As far as we know, the impact of these factors on the performance of CNVSS has not been evaluated. In this paper, we describe the development of CNVSS and a statistical factorial design of experiments (DOE) to determine the most important factors affecting collaboration in CNVSS. From the results obtained, it was concluded that delay, jitter, packet loss percentage, and processor speed have a major impact on collaboration in CNVSS.Ítem Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS): Factors Affecting Collaborative Performance(MIT PRESS, 2013-01-01) Diaz, Christian; Trefftz, Helmuth; Quintero, Lucia; Acosta, Diego A.; Srivastava, Sakti; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosStand-alone and networked surgical simulators based on virtual reality have been proposed as a means to train surgeons in specific surgical skills with or without expert guidance and supervision. However, a surgical operation usually involves a group of medical practitioners who cooperate as team members. To this end, CNVSS have been proposed for the collaborative training of surgical procedures in which users with different surgical roles can take part in the training session. To be successful, these simulators should guarantee synchronicity, which requires (1) consistent viewing of the surgical scene and (2) a quick response time. These two variables are affected by factors such as users' machine capabilities and network conditions. As far as we know, the impact of these factors on the performance of CNVSS has not been evaluated. In this paper, we describe the development of CNVSS and a statistical factorial design of experiments (DOE) to determine the most important factors affecting collaboration in CNVSS. From the results obtained, it was concluded that delay, jitter, packet loss percentage, and processor speed have a major impact on collaboration in CNVSS.Ítem ¿Cómo pueden las personas interactuar mejor con las máquinas?(2012) Trefftz, Helmuth; Abad Restrepo, Ana Cristina; Vidal Ramírez, Alejandra; Muriel Gil, Luisa Fernanda; Uribe Dorado, Jose Ignacio; Rincon, Diana Marcela .Ítem Development of a Surgical Simulator to training Laparoscopic procedures(2008-07-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Distance interaction in education processes using a Telepresence tool(SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2010-01-01) Giraldo, F.; Jiménez, A.; Trefftz, Helmuth; Restrepo, J.; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Giraldo, F.; Jiménez, A.; Trefftz, Helmuth; Restrepo, J.; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Educación Matemática e HistoriaDistance interaction among educational communities is becoming increasingly important. Courses and talks are shared among institutions and individuals who are located in different places. The Telepresence tool, developed by Eafit and Universidad del Quindío, permits course sharing among the institutions. Instructors from one institution can teach students of the other one, thereby sharing the positive features of each course. In this paper, we present the recent improvements of the Telepresence tool. We also report on the use of the tool in a Multi-Variable Calculus course, designed in accordance to the Teaching for Understanding (TFU) pedagogical framework. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Ítem Education 4.0: a view from different digital proposals(Medellín : Editorial Eafit, 2020) Montoya-Múnera, Edwin; Aguilar, José; Monsalve-Pulido, Julián Alberto; Salazar, Camilo; Varela-Tabares, Daniela; Jiménez-Narváez, Marvin; Montoya-Jaramillo, Edwin; Tabares, Marta S.; Vallejo, Paola; Vega, Juan Sebastián; Nieto, Agustín; Córdoba, Camilo; Gil, Guillermo Alejandro; Trefftz, Helmuth; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; fonedit@eafit.edu.co; Suárez-Giraldo, Cristian; Caicedo Alarcón, ÓscarThis book is, then, a way to expose some research projects undertaken at the EAFIT University, in agreement with several technological companies, that develop three perspectives about education in a digital context, in which the informatic mediation and the use of technologies 4.0 lead the revision of the teaching and learning processes through a novel perspective. Together, this book presents how 4.0 technologies enable a highly participatory and dialogic education, where students of different levels have the possibility of learning and training in their discipline while developing soft skills and, at the same time, the teachers can follow the development and evolution of these capacities and the purposes expected in the courses. Given the variety of courses modalities that are currently offered (e-learning, b-learning, m-learning, u-learning, among others), the applications presented in each chapter, as well as the appropriation of technologies for the enrichment of the students’ cognitive and social skills, are an opportunity to explore new perspectives and approaches to Education 4.0Ítem Enseñanza Remota de Conceptos Anatómicos y Funcionales del Sistema Músculo Esquelético(SPRINGER, 2007-09-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Estrategias de visualización en el cálculo de varias variables(2006-01-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Trefftz, Helmuth; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Estrategias de visualización en el cálculo de varias variables(2006-01-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Trefftz, Helmuth; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Educación Matemática e Historia (EAFIT – U de A)Ítem General Algorithms for laparoscopic surgery simulators(2010-12-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Generation of the Business User Interface From the Association of Data Patterns, Presentation Template and Interaction Model(IEEE, 2016-01-01) Trivino, Jorge I.; Giraldo, William J.; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA TOPOLOGÍA HÍBRIDA PARA EL MANEJO DE COLISIONES EN UN AMBIENTE VIRTUAL(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2004-01-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Poster: Collaborative data exploration using two navigation strategies(IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2009-01-01) Gomez, Omar; Trefftz, Helmuth; Boulanger, Pierre; Bischof, Walter F.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesVirtual collaborative systems are vital tools for accessing and sharing scientific data visualizations. This paper shows how two different modes of collaboration can affect user performance in a specific exploration task. Experiments with groups of users that are working in pairs showed that the lack of mobility can affect the ability to achieve specific exploration goals in a virtual environment. Our analysis reveals that the task was completed more efficiently when users were allowed to move freely and independently instead of working with limited mobility. In these systems, users adapted their own abilities and minimized theeffect of mobility restrictions. ©2009 IEEE.Ítem Reconstrucción virtual del mito Emberá de la creación del agua utilizando agentes autónomos(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2005-01-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones