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Ítem Novel smart dental composite with rechargeable antimicrobial capability(Society for Biomaterials, 2019-01-01) Londoño J.J.; Kosater W.; Correa S.; Orrego S.Statement of Purpose: The most common cause of failure for dental restorations is secondary caries [1]. It results from bacterial colonization (e.g. Streptococcus mutans) at the interface between the implanted biomaterial and hard tissue. The bonding strength is degraded by bacterial acid production and cyclic stresses from mastication. Resin composites are currently the most widely used material for restorations due to their great aesthetics, strength, and ease of processing. However, resins present the highest failure rate [2] due to the increased accumulation of biofilms (increased acid production) compared to other restorative materials [3]. Recent studies have developed resin composites with antibacterial properties to mitigate acid production. However, the antimicrobial effects are vanished over time since the antibiofilm agents leach-out and no longer are capable to repel bacteria. In this work, we present a novel smart biomaterial with long-lasting antibiofilm capabilities with a single filler. The novel resin filler produces electrical charges that disrupt oral bacteria, (antimicrobial effect) and are activated by mastication. © 2019 Omnipress - All rights reserved.Ítem Novel smart dental composite with rechargeable antimicrobial capability(Society for Biomaterials, 2019-01-01) Londoño J.J.; Kosater W.; Correa S.; Orrego S.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Bioingeniería GIB (CES – EAFIT)Statement of Purpose: The most common cause of failure for dental restorations is secondary caries [1]. It results from bacterial colonization (e.g. Streptococcus mutans) at the interface between the implanted biomaterial and hard tissue. The bonding strength is degraded by bacterial acid production and cyclic stresses from mastication. Resin composites are currently the most widely used material for restorations due to their great aesthetics, strength, and ease of processing. However, resins present the highest failure rate [2] due to the increased accumulation of biofilms (increased acid production) compared to other restorative materials [3]. Recent studies have developed resin composites with antibacterial properties to mitigate acid production. However, the antimicrobial effects are vanished over time since the antibiofilm agents leach-out and no longer are capable to repel bacteria. In this work, we present a novel smart biomaterial with long-lasting antibiofilm capabilities with a single filler. The novel resin filler produces electrical charges that disrupt oral bacteria, (antimicrobial effect) and are activated by mastication. © 2019 Omnipress - All rights reserved.Ítem Qué Centralizar Y Qué No Centralizar: Esa Es La Cuestión En El Contexto De Una Escuela De Administración(Emerald, 2020-01-01) Rivas L.M.; Correa S.Learning outcomes: Comprender el dilema gerencial sobre la centralización y la descentralización. Reconocer las particularidades de un centro de servicios compartidos 3. Decidir qué procesos centralizar en un centro de servicios compartidos; Case overview/synopsis: Centralizar o no centralizar es un dilema gerencial frecuente. Este es un reto que se aborda no solo desde la gerencia sino desde distintas áreas de nivel corporativo con responsabilidad de administrar conjuntamente varios negocios. La asignación de recursos y capacidades es un proceso fundamental para la ejecución de la estrategia, en particular la estrategia corporativa que debe responder a la pregunta ¿Cómo administrar conjuntamente los negocios? Los servicios compartidos son una estrategia colaborativa que tiene como propósito el incremento de la eficiencia por la centralización de algunos procesos asociados a la administración conjunta de varias unidades de negocio. Mario, Decano de la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad Empresarial en Medellín, Colombia, se propone optimizar la asignación de recursos de la escuela de manera que haya un apoyo más equitativo entre los diferentes programas académicos. Para ello ha pensado crear un centro de servicios compartidos (CSC) pues es una práctica que ha visto en empresas destacadas de la ciudad. Su idea es empezar a operar el CSC a inicios de 2018, sin embargo, el carácter particular de una escuela de administración lo lleva a preguntarse: Qué centralizar y qué no centralizar. Complexity academic level: Este caso de decisión (Ellet, 2007; Sánchez et al., 2013) puede ser utilizado para promover el aprendizaje de estudiantes de cursos de estrategia tanto en niveles avanzados de pregrado como en programas de posgrado. Así mismo, se puede utilizar en talleres con ejecutivos y personal administrativo de empresas que enfrentan el dilema centralizar-descentralizar. Este tipo de temas son objeto de estudio tanto de los teóricos de la estrategia corporativa que se ocupa de la pregunta sobre cómo administrar conjuntamente los negocios (Menz et al., 2015; Michael Porter, 1987) y consultores (Deloitte, 2012). Es deseable, aunque no es obligatorio, que los estudiantes tengan algún conocimiento o experiencia en temas de estrategia y retos asociados a la administración de empresas conformadas por varios negocios (empresas multinegocios). Supplementary materials: Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS: 11: Strategy. © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited.Ítem Study of the suitability of a commercial hydroxyapatite powder to obtain sintered compacts for medical applications(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017-06-13) Palacio C.; Jaramillo D.; Correa S.; Arroyave M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Bioingeniería GIB (CES – EAFIT)Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a material widely used by the medical community due to its Ca/P ratio is comparable to the Ca/P ratio of bones and teeth, which promotes osteoinduction and osteoconduction processes when in contact with bone tissue, either as volume piece or coating. This work focuses on studying the quality of the commercial HA powder MKnano-#MKN-HXAP-S12 µm, after processing, to obtain sintered compact discs with suitable physical and chemical characteristics for implants applications. The HA powder was processed through calcination, grinding, pressing and sintering to evaluate the effect of such as procedures in the compacts dics quality. The raw powder was characterized by laser diffraction, SEM, XRF, XRD, TGA and DSC while the characteristics of the obtained compact discs were determined by dilatometry and XRD to identify the sintering temperature range, constituent phases, the amorphous content and the crystallinity degree, parameters that allow determining their suitability for implants applications. Although, it was not possible to obtain sintered compacts with the suitable chemical composition and without fractures, this work allowed to identify the parameters that determine the suitability of a HA powder to obtain sintered compacts for medical applications, as well as the characterization protocol that allows the evaluation of such parameters. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ítem Study of the suitability of a commercial hydroxyapatite powder to obtain sintered compacts for medical applications(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017-06-13) Palacio C.; Jaramillo D.; Correa S.; Arroyave M.; Palacio C.; Jaramillo D.; Correa S.; Arroyave M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Electromagnetismo Aplicado (Gema)Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a material widely used by the medical community due to its Ca/P ratio is comparable to the Ca/P ratio of bones and teeth, which promotes osteoinduction and osteoconduction processes when in contact with bone tissue, either as volume piece or coating. This work focuses on studying the quality of the commercial HA powder MKnano-#MKN-HXAP-S12 µm, after processing, to obtain sintered compact discs with suitable physical and chemical characteristics for implants applications. The HA powder was processed through calcination, grinding, pressing and sintering to evaluate the effect of such as procedures in the compacts dics quality. The raw powder was characterized by laser diffraction, SEM, XRF, XRD, TGA and DSC while the characteristics of the obtained compact discs were determined by dilatometry and XRD to identify the sintering temperature range, constituent phases, the amorphous content and the crystallinity degree, parameters that allow determining their suitability for implants applications. Although, it was not possible to obtain sintered compacts with the suitable chemical composition and without fractures, this work allowed to identify the parameters that determine the suitability of a HA powder to obtain sintered compacts for medical applications, as well as the characterization protocol that allows the evaluation of such parameters. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ítem Study of the suitability of a commercial hydroxyapatite powder to obtain sintered compacts for medical applications(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017-06-13) Palacio C.; Jaramillo D.; Correa S.; Arroyave M.Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a material widely used by the medical community due to its Ca/P ratio is comparable to the Ca/P ratio of bones and teeth, which promotes osteoinduction and osteoconduction processes when in contact with bone tissue, either as volume piece or coating. This work focuses on studying the quality of the commercial HA powder MKnano-#MKN-HXAP-S12 µm, after processing, to obtain sintered compact discs with suitable physical and chemical characteristics for implants applications. The HA powder was processed through calcination, grinding, pressing and sintering to evaluate the effect of such as procedures in the compacts dics quality. The raw powder was characterized by laser diffraction, SEM, XRF, XRD, TGA and DSC while the characteristics of the obtained compact discs were determined by dilatometry and XRD to identify the sintering temperature range, constituent phases, the amorphous content and the crystallinity degree, parameters that allow determining their suitability for implants applications. Although, it was not possible to obtain sintered compacts with the suitable chemical composition and without fractures, this work allowed to identify the parameters that determine the suitability of a HA powder to obtain sintered compacts for medical applications, as well as the characterization protocol that allows the evaluation of such parameters. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ítem Unveiling the cryptic morphology and ontogeny of the Colombian Caiman crocodilus: a geometric morphometric approach(Springer Verlag, 2019-01-01) Angulo-Bedoya M.; Correa S.; Benítez H.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Diseño; Ingeniería de Diseño (GRID)Caiman crocodilus is an alligatoroid broadly distributed in the neotropics from Mexico to Brazil, where Colombia is the only country that has the complete subspecies complex distributed in its territory. This species has been the focus of many genetic, ecological and morphological studies. However, these studies are limited to traditional morphology methods or have limitations to examine interspecific variation among the four subspecies reported in Colombia. This is the first study of intraspecific variation in the skull of Caiman crocodilus complex distributed in Colombia, using a two-dimensional approach of geometric morphometric on 122 post-hatching ontogenetic cranial series. Morphological differences between species and changes during ontogeny (snout increases its length and, skull roof and orbits decrease their proportions) that represents part of morphological changes in the cranial ontogeny of crocodilians were found. In the morphospace, there was a significant differentiation of C. crocodilus apaporiensis and C. crocodilus crocodilus from C. crocodilus fuscus and C. crocodilus chiapasius. Results from this study revealed that C. crocodilus apaporiensis is a differentiated group from the global complex as well as that the specimens of C. crocodilus chiapasius collected from Medem in Colombia may be showing cryptic morphology in some traits. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Ítem Unveiling the cryptic morphology and ontogeny of the Colombian Caiman crocodilus: a geometric morphometric approach(Springer Verlag, 2019-01-01) Angulo-Bedoya M.; Correa S.; Benítez H.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Bioingeniería GIB (CES – EAFIT)Caiman crocodilus is an alligatoroid broadly distributed in the neotropics from Mexico to Brazil, where Colombia is the only country that has the complete subspecies complex distributed in its territory. This species has been the focus of many genetic, ecological and morphological studies. However, these studies are limited to traditional morphology methods or have limitations to examine interspecific variation among the four subspecies reported in Colombia. This is the first study of intraspecific variation in the skull of Caiman crocodilus complex distributed in Colombia, using a two-dimensional approach of geometric morphometric on 122 post-hatching ontogenetic cranial series. Morphological differences between species and changes during ontogeny (snout increases its length and, skull roof and orbits decrease their proportions) that represents part of morphological changes in the cranial ontogeny of crocodilians were found. In the morphospace, there was a significant differentiation of C. crocodilus apaporiensis and C. crocodilus crocodilus from C. crocodilus fuscus and C. crocodilus chiapasius. Results from this study revealed that C. crocodilus apaporiensis is a differentiated group from the global complex as well as that the specimens of C. crocodilus chiapasius collected from Medem in Colombia may be showing cryptic morphology in some traits. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Ítem Unveiling the cryptic morphology and ontogeny of the Colombian Caiman crocodilus: a geometric morphometric approach(Springer Verlag, 2019-01-01) Angulo-Bedoya M.; Correa S.; Benítez H.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Biodiversidad, Evolución y ConservaciónCaiman crocodilus is an alligatoroid broadly distributed in the neotropics from Mexico to Brazil, where Colombia is the only country that has the complete subspecies complex distributed in its territory. This species has been the focus of many genetic, ecological and morphological studies. However, these studies are limited to traditional morphology methods or have limitations to examine interspecific variation among the four subspecies reported in Colombia. This is the first study of intraspecific variation in the skull of Caiman crocodilus complex distributed in Colombia, using a two-dimensional approach of geometric morphometric on 122 post-hatching ontogenetic cranial series. Morphological differences between species and changes during ontogeny (snout increases its length and, skull roof and orbits decrease their proportions) that represents part of morphological changes in the cranial ontogeny of crocodilians were found. In the morphospace, there was a significant differentiation of C. crocodilus apaporiensis and C. crocodilus crocodilus from C. crocodilus fuscus and C. crocodilus chiapasius. Results from this study revealed that C. crocodilus apaporiensis is a differentiated group from the global complex as well as that the specimens of C. crocodilus chiapasius collected from Medem in Colombia may be showing cryptic morphology in some traits. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Ítem What should be centralized and what should not: that is the question within a school of business context(Emerald, 2020-01-01) Rivas L.M.; Correa S.Learning outcomes: The case’s learning objectives to work on can vary according to the topic selected by the teacher. This case has been put forward with a particular interest in corporate strategy issues, specifically, on the joint management of businesses (in this case, academic programs). Therefore, students are expected to be able to understand the managerial dilemma on centralization and decentralization; recognize the peculiarities of a shared services center (SSC); and decide on which services to centralize in an SSC. Case overview/synopsis: Centralizing or not centralizing is a frequent managerial dilemma. This is a challenge faced not only by business managers but also by corporate level areas responsible for jointly managing various businesses. Resources and capabilities allocation is an essential process for strategy execution, specifically in corporate strategy that must answer the question: How to jointly manage businesses? Sharing services is a collaborative strategy which aims to increase efficiency by centralizing some processes related to this joint business management. Mario, Dean of the Escuela de Administración in Medellín, Colombia, intends to optimize the school resource allocation processes so that there is more equitable support between the different academic programs. For this, he has thought of creating an SSC as it is a practice that he has seen in prominent companies in the city. His idea is to start operating the SSC in early 2018; however, the particular character of a management school leads him to ask himself: What to centralize and what not to centralize? Complexity academic level: This case of decision (Ellet, 2007; Sánchez et al., 2013) can be used to promote student learning of strategy courses both at advanced undergraduate levels and in graduate programs. Likewise, it can be used in workshops with executives and administrative personnel of companies that face the centralize–decentralize dilemma. These types of topics are the subject of study by both corporate strategy theorists who address the question of how to jointly manage business (Menz et al., 2015; Michael Porter, 1987) and consultants (Deloitte, 2012). It is desirable, although not mandatory, that students have some knowledge or experience in strategic issues and challenges associated with the administration of companies made up of various businesses (multi-business firms). Supplementary materials: Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS 11: Strategy. © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited.