Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
URI permanente para esta comunidad
Realiza investigaciones empíricas, experimentales, exploratorias, concluyentes, descriptivas, estadísticas y correlacionales sobre fenómenos directos o asociados a la gestión y operación de mantenimiento industrial, empresarial o comercial en equipos de generación de servicios.
Líneas de investigación: CMD Ingeniería de Mantenimiento en Fábricas (Terotecnología); Ingeniería de Mantenimiento (Diagnostico Técnico); Ingeniería de Mantenimiento de Fábricas; Recursos Humanos y Tácticas de Mantenimiento; Agricultura digital.
Código Minciencias: COL0008325.
Categoría 2019: A.
Escuela: Ingeniería.
Departamento académico: Ingeniería Mecánica.
Coordinadora: Leonel Francisco Castañeda Heredia.
Correo electrónico:
Líneas de investigación: CMD Ingeniería de Mantenimiento en Fábricas (Terotecnología); Ingeniería de Mantenimiento (Diagnostico Técnico); Ingeniería de Mantenimiento de Fábricas; Recursos Humanos y Tácticas de Mantenimiento; Agricultura digital.
Código Minciencias: COL0008325.
Categoría 2019: A.
Escuela: Ingeniería.
Departamento académico: Ingeniería Mecánica.
Coordinadora: Leonel Francisco Castañeda Heredia.
Correo electrónico:
Examinando Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI) por Autor "Barbosa Perez, Jaime L."
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Ítem Flow behaviour over a 2D body using the moving particle semi-implicit method with free surface stabilisation(Springer-Verlag France, 2017-08-01) Perez, C.A.; Garcia, M.J.; Barbosa Perez, Jaime L.; Orrego, Santiago; Quintero, Santiago; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is a Lagrangian particle method based on the prediction-correction calculation of the velocity field and the Helmhotz-Hodge decomposition. Initially the predicted velocity is calculated with the viscous and external forces terms and then corrected by the gradient of the pressure which is obtained by the solution of the Poisson Pressure's equation. The MPS was developed for non-compressible bodies and it is adequate for free surface problems. However, when used to simulate fluid structure interaction problems, like ship resistance, the original formulation of the method can not accurately compute the pressure distribution over the bodies. This paper proposes a modified MPS method for modelling immerse bodies in an free surface flow. It was found that small variations in the source term of the Poisson Pressure's equation can destabilise simulations. Therefore, a reformulation of the Poisson pressure equation was developed. The results show that the proposed variation produced numerical stabilisation. The free surface particles behave in a good agreement with experimental observations. Also, although pressure fluctuations were still present, satisfactory results were obtained when comparing the drag coefficient with those reported values in the literature.Ítem Improving Student Results in a Statics Course using a Computer-based Training and Assessment System(IEEE, 2013-01-01) Zapata Rivera, Luis Felipe; Restrepo Ochoa, Jorge Luis; Barbosa Perez, Jaime L.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)One of the main causes of desertion in engineering programs is the poor student academic performance in basic courses. One of these courses is Statics, which is taught at the undergraduate level. Between 2009 and 2011 about 30% of students did not get a satisfactory grade to pass the course and a high percentage of these students deserted from their engineering program at EAFIT University. The evolution of computer systems and the Internet progress have enabled educators to develop software to support teaching and learning processes. For instance, educational software like E-learning platforms now allow teachers and students to interact through collaborative and friendly environments that can result in improvement on student learning outcomes and therefore improvement in their final results. Various learning tools based on problem-based learning approaches have been developed for the Statics area. These systems usually pose problems for students to solve; however, the problems usually used to evaluate and certify student knowledge are different from those used by the students during their training process. This is aimed at focusing students' attention to the use of analytical skills instead of memorizing processes. This paper describes the results of using a computer system to support training and assessment processes to convey concepts related to a Statics course using an existing open source tool and implementing a dynamic assessment generation scheme (i.e., generation of multiple versions of the same problem using algorithms with variables). This system has been used in the Statics courses during two academic periods in 2012 involving the participation of 400 students. The results of this experiment are compared with performance results of students from previous years who used traditional practice and assessment methods such as solving tasks in conventional paper and pencil tests. Results have had a positive impact in student grades and retention.Ítem Items' difficulty level determination based on a Statics test with parameters variation(IEEE, 2014-01-01) Restrepo Cadavid, Andres; Restrepo Ochoa, Jorge Luis; Barbosa Perez, Jaime L.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)Looking for the improvement of the students' learning, the engineering school of EAFIT University is currently developing an evaluation and training system. In this system, each student has the option of doing ``dynamic'' exercises in a specific field of a subject. Whenever a student uses the system, an exercise is generated with different parameters and values. The mentioned system (Evaluation System) has been used in the last semesters, achieving the improvement in the students' comprehension and learning level of the Statics subject. The system under development, allows the students to train themselves in different topics of the subject and, at the same time, it allows the teachers to evaluate the learning process. Based on the fact that in the course assessments, an exam with different parameters and values is presented every time a student accesses the system, it is possible that some students present tests with different complexity levels. Therefore, the test could be considered inequitable for some people. This paper presents an analysis of the difficulty level of a test generated with the system. The test was applied to two different groups of students which are taking the course in the 2014-1 semester. The first group took a test where the items' values and parameters were not changed; and the second one, took a test where the items' values and parameters change for each student. Based on the obtained results, a statistical study is made which intends to determine the difficulty and discrimination level of each of the test items, both for the dynamics parameters test and the fixed parameters test in order to finally determine how much varies the items' difficulty due to the parameters variation. This will help to generate more equitable tests in the future for the assessment of a group of students that are taking the course.